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Achieving Commercial Success From IoT

Achieving Commercial Success From IoT

Intro What will break Internet of Things (IoT) out of the novelty basket and into the mainstream? When we say mainstream, we mean television and mobile phone mainstream, i.e. in every household and in every pocket. The answer is data - people pay for data-based...

Drive Business Success Through New Clarity

Drive Business Success Through New Clarity

All businesses strive to get the best possible outcome in an uncertain and competitive world.  But really achieving that goal means businesses must understand their complete contexts — themselves, their competition, and the markets they serve — far more clearly and...

CyberWars – The Rules of Engagement

CyberWars – The Rules of Engagement

The internet has given the world many new things, including a new theatre of war. Attacks, defense and counter-attacks take place in cyberspace as much as they do on land, in the air, and at sea. So, in defense of national security, is it okay for a government to...

Stop Drowning the Chief Data Officer

Stop Drowning the Chief Data Officer

For businesses in many industries, the role of chief data officer is something new. But it is a position that is becoming increasingly central to the way that businesses are run. Despite their importance to future success, many companies fail terribly in their...

When Privacy and Security Collide

When Privacy and Security Collide

The US president, Barack Obama, attended a cyber security summit at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California in February. Around the same time he signed an executive order designed to encourage companies to share threat information with each other, and with the...

The Rise of Impersonator Bots-DDoS

The Rise of Impersonator Bots-DDoS

Distributed Denial of Service attacks are on the rise. At best it might mean your website is unavailable for a couple of hours. At worst, the most malicious can cost companies thousands upon thousands of dollars. Ofer Gayer, a security researcher writing for...

Don’t Neglect Data Relevance

Don’t Neglect Data Relevance

It is okay to have incomplete or inaccurate data in your system. That’s a statement that would make many business executives shudder. But in a sense it is true – a focus on accuracy and completeness without also looking at relevance can result in very unhelpful...

Past, Present & Future of BI Performance

Past, Present & Future of BI Performance

Improved business performance has been a promise of business intelligence gathering since forever. However it is in the last two decades that the technologies and processes have progressed to a point where they are genuinely beginning to help. While the advances in...

Big Data Trends in Business Intelligence

Big Data Trends in Business Intelligence

In the fast evolving and fast improving world of business analytics, big data has an increasing role to play in making intelligent business decisions. But not only is the role big data plays in your business intelligence analytics increasing, but so is the data...

A 50-billion Device Security Headache

A 50-billion Device Security Headache

With the huge growth in mundane devices, everything from fridges to light bulbs, being connected and integrated with each other in the new 'Internet of Things' (IoT), the scope for hackers has grown right alongside with it. The new network has undoubtedly many useful...

Rise in Big Data Analytics Spending Plans

Rise in Big Data Analytics Spending Plans

2015 is really the year that big data analytics is coming of age. Louis Columbus, writing in Forbes about the recent IDG Enterprise study, “2015 Big Data and Analytics, Insights Into Initiatives and Strategies Driving Data Investments,” provides us with some startling...