Predictive Maintenance AI GRT Resources

Predictive Maintenance Analytics for Electric Motors

Predictive Maintenance Analytics for Electric Motors

Electric motors are critical to today’s industrial processes. In recent years, they have used as much as 68% of electricity in all of U.S. manufacturing, providing for essential industrial processes including pumps, fans, refrigeration, compressors, and facility HVAC...

Digital Transformation for Power Plant

Digital Transformation for Power Plant

Picture  by Timothy Cheng Fun, GE Reports Power system equipment condition monitoring is a must if you wish to ensure the efficiency and reliability of electricity supply. This is typically achieved with equipment maintenance or replacement based on typical service...

What You Can Expect In 2017 For IOT

What You Can Expect In 2017 For IOT

When you look at expert predictions for what will happen in the IoT space in 2017, it is clear technologies and thinking is both advancing quickly. It is also clear that traditional industries and brands face challenges from nimbler newcomers, with some of those...

Machines Can Learn, But How?

Machines Can Learn, But How?

Many experts predict that machine learning (which any companies are currently investing in significantly) will be responsible for the most important breakthroughs in history. That includes being more important than the industrial revolution or the introduction of...

The Action Is Not In AI, Its In Machine Learning

The Action Is Not In AI, Its In Machine Learning

In mainstream news (non-tech news) or the entertainment industry (movies and TV in particular), artificial intelligence (AI) appears to be a singular technology. This technology often takes a human form and is consigned to performing menial tasks or overtaking the...

What You Should Do When Machines Start Doing Your Job

What You Should Do When Machines Start Doing Your Job

When people think about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning on jobs, they usually think of manual jobs - fully automated production lines, driverless vehicles (taxis, trains, trucks, buses, etc), drone delivery services, etc. This type of...

Artificial Intelligence Will Change Banks From The Inside Out

Artificial Intelligence Will Change Banks From The Inside Out

Structural change is coming to the banking industry, and it’s coming because of artificial intelligence. Of course, banks can use AI for a range of functions but the area where they are likely to see the most significant impact - both in the way they operate and...

11 Ways IoT Changes The World

11 Ways IoT Changes The World

Introduction The hype surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to die down. What we are seeing in its place is the emergence of new technologies using the IoT that are truly useful and groundbreaking. This is happening across a range of sectors, from...

Are Marketers Confused By The Internet Of Things

Are Marketers Confused By The Internet Of Things

Do marketers really understand the Internet of Things? Does anyone outside those involved developing Internet of Things technologies really understand what it’s about? Of course, it’s about connecting anything - everything - to the internet for control and/or data...

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Retail Landscape

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Retail Landscape

Artificial intelligence is changing retail and businesses that don’t realise this and embrace AI are likely to be left behind. Just look at the numbers - the retail part of the artificial intelligence industry is currently thought to be worth around $26 million....