Predictive Maintenance AI GRT Resources

Pushing Limits Of Analytics With  IoT

Pushing Limits Of Analytics With IoT

Introduction The traditional method of analyzing data once it has been collected and saved is no longer fit for purpose. Today's technology requires data analysis while it is being created, while it is being transferred from one device to another, and while it is at...

Why Polling Prediction Failed – Data Quality

Why Polling Prediction Failed – Data Quality

In the modern world, data and information are driving forces of any business or operation. Poor data analysis can lead to unfortunate circumstances for any company or public organization. We only need to look at the latest election to see how false data collection and...

Succes of IAM

Succes of IAM

Identity and access management (IAM) is the cornerstone of cyber security when it comes to people and systems. It ensures that only approved people can access certain resources and systems. But what happens when you add the myriad of devices that are set to become...

The K.I.S.S Principle

The K.I.S.S Principle

The temptation with business intelligence, and especially with the amount of real-time information now present in the modern age, is the tendency to too much. However this excess of real-time data, far from giving us a complete view of a developing situation, can...

DDoS: Most Important Hacker Tool in 2015

DDoS: Most Important Hacker Tool in 2015

The Internet is undoubtedly one of the greatest technological gifts humanity has ever seen. It has transformed society and the way we look at the world and communicate with each other; it's been a boon to commerce and business. All of this is balanced, however, by the...

Cloud Services Comparison

Cloud Services Comparison

Business Intelligence used to mean massive overheads – caused by old-style data centers – consuming as much as 58% of the revenue received. Not any more: with a move to cloud computing these costs can be reduced drastically. Labor costs can be kept at 6%, while...

Growing ROI on Cloud Business Intelligence

Growing ROI on Cloud Business Intelligence

An ever-growing number of businesses are now choosing to run their mission-critical intelligence operations on the cloud. It is clear that it is now becoming a mainstream technology. For good reason too. It is increasingly superior, and proving to be a more than...

IoT is a New Backdoor for DDoS Attacks

IoT is a New Backdoor for DDoS Attacks

One of the more unorthodox and interesting ways that hackers can perform a DDoS attack is through the backdoor of millions and millions of improbable devices from Fridges to Coffeepots. Using the fast emerging Internet of Things (IoT) hackers can take control of vast...

DDos Attacks to Continue in 2015

DDos Attacks to Continue in 2015

It is clear that, in the preceding months, the sophistication and scale of DDoS attacks on vulnerable enterprises has increased rapidly. In the last year nearly double the amount of DDoS attack were recorded; half of which used sophisticated multi-vector attacks....

Cutting Costs with Big Data

Cutting Costs with Big Data

The effect of big data on business intelligence is huge.  And not just in terms of developing markets, building revenues or analysing consumer behaviour.  Steadily, and by increments, it is showing itself to be a huge boom to the back office and operational cost...

Cost of BI

Cost of BI

Despite the rocketing popularity of business intelligence and its proven significant ROI, nearly one third of companies think the cost is still prohibitive. However, in an article on Yurbi, 5000fish takes on the sensitive subject of just what exactly are the costs of...