Predictive Maintenance AI GRT Resources

Pushing Limits Of Analytics With  IoT

Pushing Limits Of Analytics With IoT

Introduction The traditional method of analyzing data once it has been collected and saved is no longer fit for purpose. Today's technology requires data analysis while it is being created, while it is being transferred from one device to another, and while it is at...

11 Ways IoT Changes The World

11 Ways IoT Changes The World

Introduction The hype surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to die down. What we are seeing in its place is the emergence of new technologies using the IoT that are truly useful and groundbreaking. This is happening across a range of sectors, from...

Are Marketers Confused By The Internet Of Things

Are Marketers Confused By The Internet Of Things

Do marketers really understand the Internet of Things? Does anyone outside those involved developing Internet of Things technologies really understand what it’s about? Of course, it’s about connecting anything - everything - to the internet for control and/or data...

Prediction and Advanced Analytics

Prediction and Advanced Analytics

Many of the statistical techniques are useful for both prediction and explanation in the world of advanced analytics. However, certain techniques are necessarily more suited for one than the other. For example, techniques such as Mixed Linear Models are primarily used...

Five Predictions for the Future of Information Dashboards

Five Predictions for the Future of Information Dashboards

More and more businesses realize the value of data visualizations and there are now many predictions for the future of the meteoric rise of the information dashboard. The past couple of years have seen huge movement in the industry, and with more and more businesses...

Big Data Killer App Will be IOT

Big Data Killer App Will be IOT

For a long time now, companies have been investing in big data initiatives. It was understood that by bringing in many disparate sources under one roof, then all that data would become a gold mine of valuable information. A gold mine that can lead to new revenue...

Every Company Should Adopt NIST

Every Company Should Adopt NIST

Since 2014, massive data breaches have become a common feature of the news. The huge amount of money at stake – Sony's was $100 million, Target's about $110 million – means that more and more companies are taking their information security seriously. This also signals...

Companies Should Adopt the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Companies Should Adopt the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Introduction In the past, developing a cybersecurity policy and strategy for an organization involved digesting multiple standards, regulations and assessments. This usually meant deciding on competing priorities with the resulting strategy being compliance based....

Smart and Context aware IoT True Potential

Smart and Context aware IoT True Potential

Introduction How do we make independent IoT technologies work together to make communities, cities and regions truly smart? How do we achieve the goal of autonomous decision making, enhancing the functionality of IoT technology? The answer is data analysis, and the...

Information security based on risk not fear

Information security based on risk not fear

Introduction Fear drives the cybersecurity initiatives deployed by most organizations, but that means spending lots of money and resources trying to achieve something where failure is the only outcome. It is simply not possible to completely prevent hackers getting...

Experts Now Adopt a Riskbased Framework

Experts Now Adopt a Riskbased Framework

Introduction For many years security experts have preached that cybersecurity needs a risk based approach. According to a new survey it appears organizations are now taking active heed of that advice, with more and more adopting risk based strategies. This is driven...

Targeted Controls Key to Effective Security

Targeted Controls Key to Effective Security

Introduction Most organizations have an attack surface that is constantly expanding. Those that have a security policy aimed only at preventing intruders at the perimeter are doomed to failure. The highest levels of security should be applied only to the most valuable...