Bringing value-driven implementations to Industrial Internet of Things
Power Industry
Advanced Phasor Data Concentrator – APDC
APDC is distributed, high performance and scalable application designed for managing modern electrical grids using PMU data.
Real-time data flows in the hundreds of thousands measurement per second—from PMUs and data exchanges between PDCs.
Address both wide area grid management and local applications
Fault-tolerance and monitoring distributed node clusters help ensure high performance.
APDC provides real-time data collection from various sources (PMU, RTU – SCADA, DFR and other IEDs) with high performance (hundreds thousands of measurements per second), scalability and fault-tolerance and distributed nodes cluster capabilities.

Our goal is for everything GRT create and develops—software, IT solutions and infrastructure—must be authentic, exceptional and built to help businesses be successful. We acknowledge the fact that our brand and reputation is determined by the services and solutions we create. Therefore GRT strives for perfection in the IT solutions industry.
- Real time & historical PMU data via an integrated database management system
- Fast search in historical archive (roll-up technology)
- Unlimited synchronous data streams from multiple sources
- On-line oscillations monitoring (magnitude, frequency, damping)
- Finding oscillations groups
- Monitoring of generators’ excitation system faults
- On-line thresholds violations, disturbances & emergency conditions -determinations and alarming
- On-line data calculations
- Real time and “on demand” data redistributions

APDC receives data from virtually any source and exchange adaptor —PMUs, IEDs etc. It effectively collects and conditions all acquired data from equipment models, storage, grid models, and measurement models. High Performance distributed Historian provides unmatched PMU data ingestion, search and scalability

APDC supports standard PDC functions plus set of unique capabilities including accurate digital schematics that mirror the physical grid system, and makes use of scalable PowerLink architecture and machine learning tools to interpret PMUdata streams.
- Real time and “on demand” data redistributions
- Alarm event component:
- On-line thresholds violations
- Disturbances and emergency conditions determinations
- On-line and off-line data calculations
- On-line oscillations monitoring (magnitude, frequency, damping)
- Monitoring of generators’ excitation system faults
- Low frequency oscillations (LFO) monitoring:
- LFO detection (frequency, amplitude, phase and damping analysis)
- Finding oscillations groups
- Power system area detection where LFO are spreading
- Power system area detection with in-phase and anti-phase oscillations
- Generators detection which are the source or amplifier of LFO
- Analysis of generators LFO damping role
- LFO power and energy calculations
- LFO spread visualization
APDC puts analyzed data to work by presenting visible and actionable insights in real-time. APDC employs PowerLink expressive dashboards to deliver information to an intended audience—system operators, plant managers, engineers, etc. This ensures all the information needed to make actionable decisions in real-time is available via the chosen viewing method.
Visualization Features
- Geographical maps
- Radar diagrams,
- 2D graphics

PowerLink-based Applications cut across diverse processes, calculations and implementation procedures across substations, power plants and their components.
- Centralized emergency control
- Low Frequency oscillation monitoring
- Oscillation damping participation
Improving reliability and stability by developing and advancing methods of dispatch and automatic control
Blackout Prevention System
Our Blackout Prevention System (BPS) has successfully been integratedand used across electrical plants. The major capability of this system is the prevention of blackouts and to minimize or eliminate the damage they cause. It supports monitoring and predicting the conditions of a power system in real-time.

Defining Equivalent Circuit Parameters Based on Phasor Measurements
GRT experts have designed and tested state-of-the art computing methods for defining transmission lines equivalent circuit parameters of your network components. The integration of defining equivalent circuit parameters based on phasor measurements was developed to ensure simplicity and to enhance cloud computation. The method ensures:
PMO Responsibilities
- Real-time Phasor measurements
- Reasonable Accuracy
- Simplifying Monitoring
Defining the Instantaneous Power of Alternative Current in Electromechanical Transients
GRT is developing new techniques for defining instantaneous active and reactive power. The purpose of this research is to investigate the dynamic changes that occur in power systems. Solutions are designed to:
- Be both flexible & comprehensive
- Simulate & reflect plant operational processes
- Manage emergency analysis
- Enhance technical diagnosis
Predictive Maintenance
Switching electric generator monitoring and maintenance from reactive to proactive provide a significant saving and improve customer satisfaction
PMO Responsibilities
- Equipment Monitoring and Diagnostic
- Power Plant operation monitoring
- Monitor damping capabilities of generators
Determining Synchronizing Power and Energy of Synchronized Generators
Estimate the synchronous capability of generators and monitor their damping capabilities in power systems through enhanced data control. GRT employs the use of algorithms to quantify destabilizing factors in local applications –substations, plants, etc.— as well as large-scale centralized power systems.
- Estimates generator capabilities to maintain synchronous operations
- Detect disturbances and stress conditions
- Monitor damping capabilities of generators
Estimating Instantaneous Values of State Parameters
GRT implements the use of adaptive power system equipment models in estimating frequency and phase values of steady-state parameters. This method provides greater accuracy when measuring non-linear characters than other current techniques. This accuracy ensures:
- Quick emergency detections
- Real-time estimates
- Faster response and resolution

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There are numerous fields where time-synchronized phasor measurements can be applied. Being comprehensive and versatile, a chosen field determines the general technology development directions and utilize these developments to advance technology used in power engineering. The key target of our R&D is improving the reliability and security of the power system operation for ensuring stable energy supply that supports socioeconomic development.
Node Load Model
GRT research integrates the method of polynomial fitting of active and reactive power curves that correspond to the models employed in steady-state and transient calculations. Accurate computations will provide solutions such as:
- Gathering statistical data about node loads
- Real-time computations
- Improving data consistency about nodes’ load
- Predictive analysis of generated node loads