Predictive Maintenance AI GRT Resources

Why Polling Prediction Failed – Data Quality

Why Polling Prediction Failed – Data Quality

In the modern world, data and information are driving forces of any business or operation. Poor data analysis can lead to unfortunate circumstances for any company or public organization. We only need to look at the latest election to see how false data collection and...

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Retail Landscape

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Retail Landscape

Artificial intelligence is changing retail and businesses that don’t realise this and embrace AI are likely to be left behind. Just look at the numbers - the retail part of the artificial intelligence industry is currently thought to be worth around $26 million....

Oracle Looks at BI Trends

Oracle Looks at BI Trends

Mobile is taking over the Business Intelligence (BI) world. So is the cloud. And Big Data, especially "unstructured" Big Data, is just beginning to revolutionize the ways that enterprises conduct their strategic planning. Those are a few headline results from a new...

Managing Risk with Cyber Insurance

Managing Risk with Cyber Insurance

One of the hot topics last year, and undoubtedly this year too, is cyber insurance. Is this the panacea that information security has been waiting for? Cyber insurance is intended to mitigate the loss from any information security incidents. Once a company has...

Traditional BI Losing Out to Modern BI

Traditional BI Losing Out to Modern BI

BI systems are undoubtedly complex and costly to set up. As such, many projects are not completed as planned and are often irrelevant quickly afterwards. Many organizations will even take the step of telling you they have no BI – in spite of the multi-million dollar...

Outsmarting Competitors With Big Data

Outsmarting Competitors With Big Data

Over time, the use of big data and advanced analytics is becoming less of an option and more of a requirement. Already, a quarter of investors report revisiting their opinion of a company based on its data and analytics strategy, and by 2018 this number is predicted...

CRN Big Data 100

CRN Big Data 100

There are many established IT vendors such as Microsoft, SAP and Hewlett-Packard, but increasingly, big data is driven by startups. This proliferation of great companies offering their new Hadoop-related technology or business analytics application has been a boon to...

Big Impact From Big Data

Big Impact From Big Data

The potential impact from big data and advanced analytics is huge, which is why so many are becoming excited about the prospect. However, the level of impact it makes in reality is often underwhelming. For most organizations, successes have been few and far between,...

Future of Information Dashboards

More and more businesses realize the value of data visualizations and there are now many predictions for the future of the meteoric rise of the information dashboard. The past couple of years have seen huge movement in the industry, and with more and more businesses...

Five Biggest Benefits of Data Visualization

Five Biggest Benefits of Data Visualization

Every year, the amount of data created grows almost exponentially. So much so, that by 2015 the global annual rate of data production had exceeded five and a half zettabytes. This data is of no use on its own however, to be beneficial to anyone it needs to be...

Trends in Modern Data Visualization

Trends in Modern Data Visualization

It is easy to scoff at data visualizations, a technology many see as promising much, but delivering little. However, recent versions of data visualization tools are finally arriving to fulfill the claims of instant insight across data sets. In many cases, part of the...

Visualizations in Complex Data

Visualizations in Complex Data

Ever since social media outlets have allowed developers to create visual representations of a person's social network, network diagrams have become an extremely popular way of presenting information. With users of Facebook and LinkedIn able to use third-party tools to...