Oracle Looks at BI Trends

Oracle Looks at BI Trends

Mobile is taking over the Business Intelligence (BI) world. So is the cloud. And Big Data, especially “unstructured” Big Data, is just beginning to revolutionize the ways that enterprises conduct their strategic planning. Those are a few headline results...
Oracle Looks at EPM Trends

Oracle Looks at EPM Trends

No branch of business operations has been more thoroughly transformed by the computer age than finance, the original “data-driven” business discipline. Successive technology revolutions have given rise to Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) solutions...
Data Governance for Big Data

Data Governance for Big Data

How many times have you read an article about data quality that uses the phrase “garbage in, garbage out”? It is almost a cliché, but when it comes to big data, there is no other phrase that better sums up the challenges faced by organizations that want to...
Visualizing data the advanced way

Visualizing data the advanced way

All the rage right now in big data and analytics is advanced visualizations. These are fast-becoming coveted features in the growing market for maps and charts and other new and innovative ways of visualizing and processing all that data. Within the last year, almost...
Self Service BI All About Me

Self Service BI All About Me

By 2017, it is predicted that most business users – in addition to the analysts – will have access to their own version of self-service business intelligence tools. The ability to prepare their own data for analysis has been a long time coming, and the pace of change...
Self Service Cause More Harm

Self Service Cause More Harm

We’re living in a world where you no longer need IT to tease information from raw data. In the ‘Analytics 3.0’ era, data-driven insights are delivered via self-service tools. Personal editions of consumer-friendly tools have brought advanced analysis...